AFC - Arab Fisheries Company
AFC stands for Arab Fisheries Company
Here you will find, what does AFC stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Arab Fisheries Company? Arab Fisheries Company can be abbreviated as AFC What does AFC stand for? AFC stands for Arab Fisheries Company. What does Arab Fisheries Company mean?Arab Fisheries Company is an expansion of AFC
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Alternative definitions of AFC
- Average Fixed Cost
- American Football Conference
- Arsenal Football Club
- Automatic Frequency Control
- Automatic Frequency Control
- Automatic Frequency Control
- Association Football Club
- AllMerica Financial Corporation
View 235 other definitions of AFC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- AFESD Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
- AGA Arab Geologists' Association
- AGF Arab Golf Federation
- AGC Arab Gymnastics Confederation
- AHC Arab Handball Confederation
- AIB Arab Information Bank
- AIVHS Arab Institute for Vocational Health and Safety
- ARIG Arab Insurance Group
- Arab AIPU Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union
- AIC Arab Investment Company
- AKMS Arab Knowledge Management Society